If you haven’t traveled recently, the airport can be intimidating. Even seasoned travelers can get frazzled by the chaos of navigating a new airport. This is especially true when it comes to TSA and airport security. So we’re going to go over what to expect and how to successfully go through airport security.

Going through TSA airport security

When to Go Through Airport Security

When you first arrive to the airport you will want to make sure to do a few things before heading through security. First, make sure that you have checked-in to your flight. You can do this on your phone typically 24 hours before your flight. However, if you haven’t already you can go to your airline’s kiosk. Here you can get your ticket and check any bags that you will not be carrying on the flight. Once you have your ticket printed or on your phone, and have checked any necessary bags, you are ready to head to TSA or your airport’s security.

Preparing for the Airport Security Check

While you are in line for airport security, you should be preparing for the security checks. The first checkpoint will usually be where the TSA agent will check your ID and ticket. Have both of these ready for when you are called up by an agent. They may ask you questions about your trip, or ask your child questions to verify everything is matching your provided ticket and identification. This is all normal, and nothing to worry about. Once they verify and allow you to continue, you can put your ID and ticket away in order to begin preparing for the next phase of security.

What Happens When You Go Through TSA Security Point

Depending on how large the airport is, or which country the airport is in, your airport security experience can vary. But, I will go ahead and outline the general steps you can expect when going through airport security.

While in line you will be told to begin preparing for the TSA security screening. This includes:

  • Remove shoes (socks are ok) and place them directly on the x-ray conveyor belt.
  • Remove belts, watches, wallets, glasses, coins, large jewelry, and anything else in your pockets. Place these in the plastic bins provided and then place the bin on the x-ray conveyor belt.
  • Remove any jacket, sweater, scarf or hat and place them in a plastic bin on the conveyor belt.
  • Remove electronics (cellphone size and larger) from your pockets and bags. Place these in a single layer in plastic bins, do not stack the electronics or put anything else on top. They the bins can go on the conveyor belt.
  • Remove your TSA-approved liquids from your bag. Place that bag in a plastic bin and onto the conveyor belt. Any liquids you have that are over 3.4 oz (100ml) or doesn’t fit in your single quart-sized clear plastic bag, must be thrown away.
  • Place your luggage directly on the x-ray conveyor belt.

Going Through an Airport Screening

Once you get all of your personal items on the x-ray conveyor belt, you can now get in line for the walk-thru metal detector or full body x-ray machine. An agent will wave you up when they are ready for you.

If it is a metal detector, you will just walk through. Metal detectors are usually used at smaller airports, or airports outside of the U.S. These walk-thru metal detectors are also found at larger airports for those that opt-out of the full body x-ray, have young children with them, or have a disability that precludes them from using the full body x-ray. If an alarm rings when you walk through the metal detector you will be asked to remove any metal items that may have set off the machine and try again. They may also use a metal detector wand to check or a pat down.

If you are going into a full body x-ray machine, it will take just a moment longer. You will need to walk in and place your feet on the spread out foot prints. Then you will be asked to raise your hands above your head and to stay still for a few seconds while an x-ray is taken.

Retrieving Your Items After Your Airport Screening

After you are done walking through the metal detector or passing your x-ray, you will pick up your personal items. You can pick up your items after they have finished going through the conveyor belt x-ray. If you are quick, you can begin putting your items back on, or back in your bag, as they come out on the conveyor belt. If you need more time, you can pick them up and find seating nearby.

Now if an item is missing from the conveyor belt, or you see it getting pulled out of the line, that means it needs to be inspected further. An airport security agent will sometimes call out and ask whose bag or item it is, or they may just wait for you to come and notice they have it. The security will wait for you, the owner, before they open or inspect the bag further. They will either clear the bag if they find nothing wrong, or they will bring your attention to the item that was flagged. This will usually be an electronic or liquid you forgot to take out and place on a plastic tray. Or if it is an item that is not allowed, like a bottle of soda or water, they will just throw it away.

After You Are Done With Airport Security

Once you are successfully through airport security, you are free to choose what to do next. If you have extra time, I suggest using the airport bathrooms at this time, since they sure beat the tiny airplane bathrooms. You can also grab any food or drinks you want. Since you’re through security, liquids are okay and you can feel free to buy a bottle of water or drink to take onto the plane with you. And finally, when you’re ready, head over to the terminal and wait to board your flight.